Modular Biomass Gasification System for thermal application and power generation

Benefit From Modularity

Powermax’s modular design allows for rapid deployment, assembly, scalability, and efficiency to meet expanding energy needs. Modularity enables you to increase your energy output by adding more units. The unit’s intelligent engineering, highly automated processes, and small footprint enables seamless integration into existing physical plant or single site operations. Duel-fuel capabilities provide fail safe strategies for managing fuel needs.
“Powermax is supplying you small to medium scale modular biomass gasification power generation systems(50KW to 2000KW each module) to intake the waste biomass all around us. Instead of hauling the biomass to a central utility for conversion, Powermax is bringing our system to where the fuel already is, right where the users and needs already are.”
1 Small Footprint
A 1000 kWe modular biopower system can be sited in an area less than 500 square metres. When compared to other distributed renewables such as photovoltaics, this area is 95% less
2 Local low cost biomass
Our small systems only require less than 1 kg per hour of dry biomass per kW of electricity produced (e.g., about 50kg/hr for a 50 kWe system). There is therefore little chance of exhausting the local supply of biomass. If the supply of biomass is a residue from another operation, then the cost of this biomass can be very low. If the biomass residue must be disposed of, and the user can save money by converting this residue to useable heat and power, then the biomass has a negative feedstock cost – the only renewable energy form with a negative fuel cost!
3 Easy to locate
Small systems are easy to ship, install, and connect to on-site electrical and thermal loads.
Modular systems delivered to site avoid the cost and time needed to design and build purpose built facilities. Modular systems may also be stacked to give multiples of 50-2000kW electricity and have the benefit of redicing dramatically the time when there is no production due to maintenance etc..
4 Grid Quality Power
Our modular power systems provide clean fuel gas to a prime mover such as an internal combustion engine - either spark ignition or compression ignition. This then turns a generator and produces grid quality electric power ( AC or DC; 50 or 60 Hz; any common voltage: single or 3-phase). The power can be used on-site to displace electricity at its retail value or exported into the electric grid. All the benefits of Feed in Tarrif can be gained.
5 Ease of maintenance
With the skills to maintain an engine generator set you will have no problem in maintaining a gas production module. The maintenance of the engine in our power system is no different than it would be for any fossil-fueled engine. The maintenance of the gasifier and clean-up system is straightforward and includes removal of the non-toxic ash, periodic cleaning of gasifier internals, and cleaning of heat exchanger tubes. All very straightforward. Planned mainteneance shutdowns can ensure operating availability of 90% plus.

6 Standardised systems for low capital cost
With a small modular biopower system you take advantage of the potential cost savings from mass manufacture of standardised systems. This is much more cost efficient than the one-of-a-kind large scale biopower systems that are continually re-engineered, site built, and obsolete when the supply of biomass is exhausted
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